Partners of the FINANCEn_LAB project meet in Santander and perfect its financial simulator


On April 25th and 26th, the partners of the Erasmus Plus FINANCEn_LAB project held a transnational meeting in Santander (Spain) where the progress of the virtual simulator was shown. 

Read more: Partners of the FINANCEn_LAB project meet in Santander and perfect its financial simulator

“The simulator will offer students of any field the possibility to understand how non-traditional sources of financing work nowadays and how it could help entrepreneurs in particular,” stated Inna Alexeeva, Project Manager at FUNIBER. 

Additionally, the project partners discussed the creation of a fourth intellectual product; a report with recommendations on corporate financing that are expected to be developed in upcoming months. 

The main goal of this report is to enable trainers to adapt their business education programs based on the results and knowledge generated in the development of a virtual simulator. This will contribute to corporate politics related to education and, in particular, to financial education. Thus, financial agents will be able to reframe their approach and design an offer adapted to entrepreneurs to achieve a better mutual understanding and even provide them with new financial services. This will also contribute to bringing closer the financial and educational fields.

The sessions were attended by: Inna Alexeeva and Thomas Prola (FUNIBER); Maydelis Trujillo (UVa); José Manuel Breñosa (CITICAN); Sorin Gabriel Anton (UAIC); Anna Kaminska and Beata Banach (UJK); in addition to Erika Nepp and Julia Grey (TVW).

On Thursday, April 27th, as a culmination of the meeting, several partners of the project participated in a multiplying event to show students and entrepreneurs the tool. The session was attended by several professionals from the region and stood out for the high level of participation of the attendees. 

The partners of FINANCEn_LAB will participate in a final meeting planned for mid-July in Halle (Germany). 

The project, led by FUNIBER, involves the participation of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (UAIC) of Iași, Romania, the Jan Kochanowski University (UJK) of Poland, the German company TVW GmbH, as well as the University of Valladolid (Uva), and the Center for Research and Industrial Technology of Cantabria (CITICAN) of Spain. 

Those interested in testing their financial knowledge and learning more about the digital platforms being implemented can obtain more information on the project’s website.  The simulator is available in the following link.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication only reflects the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 

Project Information

Project reference number: 2020-1-ES01-KA226-HE-095810
Project acronym: FINANCEn_LAB
Project full title: Digital Simulator for Entrepreneurial Finance
Starting date: 2021-03-01
Duration: 24 months

This project has received funding from Erasmus+, Call 2020 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, KA226 - Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness.

National Agency of the Applicant Organisation: ES01 Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE)

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